Wednesday 2 May 2012

Structure of my documentary.

 The introduction is classed as one of the most important parts of a documentary as it usually determines whether someone continues to watch it or not. It has to stand out and be able to draw in and keep the attention of the viewer. The information has to be topic specific and precise. My opening camera shot will be a slow motion 10 second clip in the academy of students walking to their lesson. This will then allow me to cut to a 3 second clip of someone walking, like a metaphor for walking through the path of life to which everyone can relate to.

I will then cut straight to an interview as not to lose the audience's interest and to get the different viewpoints across. The first interview will be of a schooling professional, ideally Mrs Tomes to see what is being done and how it helps students to progress to the next stage in their lives, with the necessary skills that further education and life require you to have. The next interview will be of someone possibly a student that disagrees with what the schooling professional thinks, as to get a view of what the younger generation think about the options that are available to them, and to see whether it is improving their knowledge and ability in any way. If the student can't give as many examples as the schooling professional then clearly it isn't having an impact or in reality people are cutting corners.
 (update on 26th of April - I decided to put an older clip of a person with some sort of political power talking about his opinion after the schooling professional as he is the one that helps to set up these options in order to improve skills for when students progress to universities and later life. It also breaks up the interview pattern so that it isn't as repetitive. It then cuts back to the student interview to see whether anything has actually changed).
The interviews are broken down to the individual questions as to disturb the continuity so that it remains interesting and informative. One question is broken down so that before the question has been answered by one person another person's opinion is cut so that there is a direct contrast between answers. The first two interviews relate to the present system of education as I'm currently part of it.

Another short clip of someone walking is shown with written illustration over the top, the fact that there isn't a verbal narrator emphasises on the interviews as other than the backing music there is no speech. The last interview relates to the future as the next step from school is university. I will interview a professor from Warwick Medical School to get his opinion on the skills students possess before and after their time at university.